Monday, December 14, 2009

IB Health Past Paper

May 07


(i) GHz(gigahertz) is commonly used to measure the speed of a processor in a computer. Hz (Hertz) is a unit of frequency and literary means a complete cycle per second. Therefore, GHz means 1 billion cycles per second. The computer will run faster if there are more GHz of processor.

(ii) The 1 GHz refers to the system clock of the processor. System clock is controls the timing of all operations that are done on the computer.


Microphone - It detects the analogue voice of the user so that it can be inputted in a computer. This may be an individual hardware that is placed around the computer but this may also be built in the computer.

Wireless - Wireless connection will avoid the usage of cables in order to connect the mirophone to the computer. This is especially important for people with disabilies because there will be flexibility in the position of the mircrophone.


The user must first train the voice acitivated system because the system needs to be adjusted to the user's voice. Because different people have difference tone, loudness, and pitch in their voice, the system needs to organize themself so that the voice can be interpreted. This is important because the system may detect the voice but may interpreted in a wrong way. Then, the command will be wrong, which will be a problem.


The improvement in technology has increased the use of voice activated systems and other IT resourses to aid the disabled people.

The voice activated systems or voice recognition will help people who cannot type an opportunity to interact with the computer through voice, without touching it. For example, if a person cannot use his hand, they can speak in order to command the computer. In other words, this allows users to have hand free use of the computer.

Voice recognition will increase productivity of the disabled people because they can now input data into the computer faster. Some disable people take a lot of type typing. However, the microphone will detect the user's voice so the process will flow faster.

Because the computer is an essential way in education, the disabled people will have a better opportunity to learn, just as an ordinary people. They can research on the Internet and use various software that will definitley facilitate and accelerate their education.

Because these devices increase opportunity for these diabled people to use computers, they will have more connection to the outside world. This is because they now have connection to the Internet so they can communicate with others through the network. For example, just as an ordinary person, a disabled people can use e-mail in order to send messages to other (such as friends and relatives). Patients who are in hospitals can use skype or any other videoconferencing software in order to contact with others. Disabled people can be more social by using these devices.

Here are the benefits for the disabled people using these helpful IT resources. The improvement in technology has definitley improve the life of the disabled people.

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