Monday, December 7, 2009

Drug Development and Marketing

What is drug development and marketing?

The improvement of technology has also develeped the area of drugs or medicines. Because these medicines can now be delivered through the interation of the Internet, this increase the opportunity for marketing. Especially in Japan, this is required due to the aging population that needs these medicine. The knowlege of health and medicine has been spread throughout many countries (even developing countries). Drug development is when new medicines are introduced to the society. However, these medicines must go under research, investigation, and tesiting in order for it to go on the market. This process is done in five to ten years because it need careful care. Drug marketing is when drugs are bought and sold through the Internet.

Here is a video that talks about how drug development is processd in the modern world:


- Equality of access: These development and marketing will allow many people in the world to receive medication. Because these markets are online, medicines can be provided in cheaper prices (even to the developing countries).
- Globilization and cultural diversity: There will be many information traded online. This means that there will be more globiliztation in the medical society.
- More products can be sold, which will increase revenue for the producers.


- Patients may take unnesessary medicine
- Possibility for fraud
- Reliability and authenticity: The medicine that are put on market may not be the medicine that it is suppose to be. The market must have reliable in order for the patients to take the medicines without any questions or worries.
- Privacy and security: Because personal information is presented such as credit card number on the Internet, privacy may be lost. Therefore, there must be suffient security.


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